Written by Doug Mercer, Consulting Fellow, and Antoniu Miclaus, System Applications Engineer, Analog Devices. Objective The objective of this lab activity is to design…
Category: StudentZone
StudentZone activity: the voltage dependent capacitance of the PN junction
Written by Doug Mercer, Consulting Fellow, and Antoniu Miclaus, System Applications Engineer, Analog Devices. Objective The objective of this lab activity is to measure…
StudentZone activity: Simple op amps & amplifier configurations
Written by Doug Mercer, Consulting Fellow, and Antoniu Miclaus, System Applications Engineer, Analog Devices. 1.1 Simple op amps Objective In this lab we introduce…
ADALM2000: absolute value circuits & voltage doubler circuits
Written by Antoniu Miclaus and Doug Mercer of Analog Devices Absolute value circuits The purpose of this activity is to investigate absolute value circuits.…
ADALM2000: AC coupling, DC restoration & variable attenuators
AC coupling The purpose of this activity is to investigate ac coupling and the use of a diode as a dc restoration circuit. Many…
ADALM2000: bridge rectifier & limiter/clamp circuit
Bridge rectifier The purpose of this activity is to investigate the use of four diodes as a bridge rectifier. Written by Antoniu Miclaus and…
ADALM2000: half- and full-wave rectifiers
The purpose of this activity is to investigate the use of a diode as a half-wave rectifier and two diodes as a full-wave rectifier.…
ADALM2000: diodes and diode circuits
The purpose of this activity is to investigate the current vs. voltage characteristics of a PN junction diode. Written by Antoniu Miclaus and Doug…
ADALM2000: measuring loop gain
The objective of this lab activity is to apply the voltage injection method using the ADALM2000 network analyser and a transformer to measure the…
One board, multiple instruments
Any electronics students and hobbyists need, at some point, to upgrade their hardware and start using equipment such as signal generators, oscilloscopes and logic…