This post answers the question "How do analog and digital signals work together?". An electromagnetic or electrical current that carries information is known as…
Category: Signals and Systems
Signals and Systems: Preface
Aim of the study element:
To provide an introduction for signals and system analysis. The module includes discrete-time and variable-time signals, Fourier and Z transformations, and analysis of complex time invariant systems.
Learning outcome
Having successfully completed this element you will be able to:
- Understand and apply fundamentals of signal and sysem analysis.
- Calculate and analyse discrete- and continuous-time signals.
- Characterise periodic signals, to use Fourie, Laplace and Z transformations.
- Conduct time and frequency characterisation of systems and signals.
Covered topics
- Signals and systems introduction.
- Frequency and time characterisation of systems and signals.
- Linear-time-relevant systems.
- Periodic signals, Fourier model.
- Continuous- and discrete-time Fourier model.
- The Laplace and Z-transformations.
- System feedback.
Discrete-time and continuous-time signals
This post answers the question "What is the difference between continuous and discrete signal?" From a general point of view, signals are functions of…
Classification of signals
Classification of signals Classification of signals: Even and odd signals This post covers topic of classification of signals.The continuous-time and discrete-time electromagnetic signals are…
Discrete LTI systems
This post answers the question "What is discrete LTI system?". It is useful to consider discrete-time signals as a sequence of impulses. For example,…
Fourier function representation
This post covers topic of fourier representation of a function. Most signals are represented with a set of exponential functions, resulting in complex exponential…
Fourier transform for continuous-time functions
This post covers the topic of fourier transform for continuous signal. Let's consider a Fourier representation of aperiodic signals. Let’s also consider an aperiodic…
Fourier transform for discrete-time periodic function
Here we consider Fourier transform for discrete-time periodic function. Let's consider the discrete-time Fourier-representation of a function fn=1N∑-∞∞anejn2πnK, where an=1N∑-∞∞F(jw)e-jn2πNk and F(jw)=∑xne-jn2πNk-∞∞. The pair of…
LTI systems and their properties
This post covers properties of LTI system. Linear-time invariant systems, that were partially discussed before, play an important role in describing signals. Generally speaking,…