A project is a set of activities in order to produce a unique product or service in a certain period of time. As we…
Author: eazambuja
The project life cycle
The project life cycle is a sequence of phases in a project with certain name and number, assigned by the management of the project…
Complex numbers
Definition of complex number A Complex number is a pair of real numbers (x;y). Its algebraic form is z=x+i*y, where i is an imaginary…
Complex numbers 2
Let's suggest a function y=f(x) that is defined on the interval (a,b). Choose a point x on the interval (a,b), and another point x+∆x…
Differentiability, differential of a function and integral
If function y=f(x) has a derivative in the point x: lim∆x→0 ∆y∆x=f' (x) Let's introduce the function: α(x)=∆y∆x-f' (x)=f(x+∆x)-f(x)∆x-f' (x) Function α(x) exists with the…
Solve this quiz and write your answers in comments. Exercise 1. Calculate: a. 5-1i3+i;b. (7+2i)-(3-2i)+(11+i)-(17-3i);c. (2+i)*(5-2i)+(6+13i)*(7-i);d. -13+6i2-i+ (8-i5+2i)2 Exercise 2. Calculate: Re(12-i6+3i), Im(-2i5+i) Exercise 3. Find all…
Sponsorship of FIRST LEGO League INTO ORBIT UK and Ireland STEM challenge
RS Components has announced its headline sponsorship of the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) FIRST LEGO League INTO ORBITSM 2018/19 season in the…
Classification of signals
Classification of signals Classification of signals: Even and odd signals This post covers topic of classification of signals.The continuous-time and discrete-time electromagnetic signals are…
Discrete LTI systems
This post answers the question "What is discrete LTI system?". It is useful to consider discrete-time signals as a sequence of impulses. For example,…
Combinational circuits
Combinational circuits are the way to represent logic functions. A combinational gate is a function of the inputs, creating a specific output. Combinational circuits…