This post covers topic of fourier representation of a function. Most signals are represented with a set of exponential functions, resulting in complex exponential functions. If these functions are affected with exponential external impact, the resulting function will be exponential, but with different amplitude estH(s)estznH(z)znH(s) and H(z) can be complex functions as well.

These functions are eigenfunctions and the amplitudes are eigenvalues. It can be easily shown that for discrete and continuous time functions, if the input function is represented with a complex exponential function, the resulting function will be a linear combination of complex exponential functions. Here, exponential functions will be eigenfunctions and coefficients – eigenvalues.

As we know, the continuous time function f(t)=f(t+T) is a periodic function where T is a fundamental period, w0=2πT is a fundamental frequency. The function f(t)=k=Ckejw0t is also a periodic function with a fundamental period T. This representation of a periodic signal is called Fourier series representation. Let’s consider some statements of Fourier signals.

  1. Assume that periodic continuous –time function f(t) can be described with the Fourier series f(t)=n=Cnejw0t, so f*(t)=f(t). We can see that f*(t)=n=+Cn*ejw0t, Cn*=Cn.
  2. The Fourier series f(t)=n=Cnejw0t can also be represented in its trigonometric forms f(t)=c0+2n=1+Cncos(nw0t+φ) and f(t)=a+2n=1+(bncosnw0tcnsinnw0t). Both of the last expressions can be represented one from another. The trigonometric function representation goes from the exponential function representation. So you can easily show that these expressions go from one to the other.

Let’s consider time-continuous periodic function x(t) with a fundamental period t=T and fundamental frequency w0=2πT. So, the Fourier series representation of this function can be described as: f(t)=n=Cnejn2πTt, Cn=1TTf(t)e2πTtdt. Here the coefficients Cn are Fourier coefficients.

The Dirichlet conditions guarantee that its Fourier function x(t) is equal to its Fourier representation, except some t intervals where it is discontinued. On these intervals function has the average value.

Dirichlet condition I. Tf(t)dt<, and Cn< Dirichlet condition II. During a finite period of time, the function f(t) is limited with its minimum and maximum values.
Dirichlet condition III. In any finite interval there is a finite number of discontinuities. Every discontinuity is finite.

You can easily check the Fourier representation of every periodic function without discontinuities at the interval t is equal to the initial function. Every periodic function with a finite amount of discontinuities on the interval, t is equal to the initial function, except some points that are the average value of a function.

If the function is identical to its Fourier representation, except for some points, then we can assume that the signals behave identically under convolution and we can expect them to be identical during LTI system analysis.

Let’s consider the properties of Fourier series functions. Let’s consider periodic function f(t) with the period T, and its Fourier coefficients an, so we can assign them together f(t)cn.

  1. Linearity property. If the functions f(t) and g(t), are periodic with period T, with Fourier coefficients f(t)cng(t)bn then the Fourier coefficients for function z.
  2. h(t)=Af(t)+Bg(t) are h(t)=Acn+Bbn.
  3. Time shift. If the function f(t) is periodic with period T, then the Fourier representation for a time shifted signal g(t)=f(tt0) is characterised with coefficients g(t)cnejn2πTt0.
  4. Time reversing. If the function f(t) is periodic with period T, and has the Fourier representation f(t)cn, then the reversed function has the following Fourier representation f(t)cn, if f(t) is odd, and f(t)cn, if f(t) is even.
  5. Time scaling. If the periodic function f(t) has a period T and is characterised with Fourier representation f(t)cn, then the periodic function f(kt), where k is a real number we have the period Tk with the Fourier representation f(kt)=ncnejnkw0t. Here f(kt)cn, but the period and frequency will be scaled in accordance with the scaling coefficient.
  6. Multiplication. If the functions f(t) and g(t) are periodic functions with period T and Fourier representations f(t)cn, g(t)bn, then multiplication f(t)g(t) will be characterised with Fourier coefficients dn=k=ckbnk.
  7. Conjugation. For the periodic function f(t) with period T, characterised with Fourier representation f(t)c, then for conjugated function f*(t) will have the Fourier representation f*(t)ck*.
  8. Parseval’s relation. For the periodic function f(t) with Fourier representation f(t)cn the Parseval relation is valid 1TTf(t)2dt=n=cn2 .

Let’s consider a descrete time periodic signal fn=fn+N, where N is the period of the descrete time function. This function can be presented in an exponential form fn=ncnej2πNn. So this function can be characterised with the following Fourier representation fn=lclej2πNn, where cl=1Nfnnejl2πNn . Here below are properties of a Fourier series for descrete-time periodic signals:

  1. Linearity property. If the functions fn and gn, are periodic with period N, with Fourier coefficients fncngnbn then the Fourier coefficients for function hn=Afn+Bgn are hnAcn+Bbn.
  2. Time shift. If the function fn is periodic with period N, then the Fourier representation for a time-shifted signal gn=fnn0 is characterised with the coefficients gncnejn2πTn0.
  3. Time reversing. If the function f[n] is periodic with period N, the Fourier representation fncn, then the reversed function has the following Fourier representation fncn, if xn is odd, and fncn, if xn is even.
  4. Time scaling. If the periodic function fn has period N and is characterised with a Fourier representation fncn, then the periodic function fkn, where k is a real number will have the period Nk with the Fourier representation fkt=ncnejnkw0t. Here fkncn, but the period and frequency will be scaled in accordance with the scaling coefficient.
  5. Multiplication. If the functions fn and gn are periodic functions with period N and Fourier representations fncn,g nbn, then multiplication fngn will be characterised with Fourier coefficients dn=k=ckbnk.
  6. Conjugation. For the periodic function fn with period N, characterised with Fourier representation fncn, then the conjugated function f*n will have Fourier representation f*nck*.
  7. Parseval’s relation. For the periodic function fn with Fourier representation fncn the Parseval relation is valid1NNfn2=n=cn2 .

Let’s consider the LTI system on the example of continuous-time function (Figure 1). Here ft and gt are input and output functions, ht is the response of the LTI system so gt=fthφfφdφ. In the case of discrete LTI systems with response hn and discrete-time input and output functions fn and gn. So gn=fnhφfφ.

Figure 1. Representation of periodic function going through the LTI system.

Here, hφfφdφ and hφfφ are system functions of the LTI system.

When we are considering signals, it is important to consider exponential functions of the type ejw and their frequency response of the LTI system. For a continuous-time system htejwtdt , for a discrete-time system hφejwn are the frequency responses. Moving to the signals with Fourier representation, for the Fourier coefficients the output function will be cnHjwn.[1]

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[1] “Signals and systems”, 2nd edition, 1997. Alan V. Oppenheim, Allan S. Willsky.





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