
Exploring Emerging Technologies: quantum computing

Despite many emerging technologies pioneering change in their own ways, quantum computing stands a mark above the rest as being a truly transformative technology once mastered. Here, we will explore the transformative potential of quantum computing, diving into the fundamentals, and showcasing its significance, whilst looking at some of the exciting career prospects that are poised to emerge from it.

What is quantum computing?

Quantum computing is not just an evolution of classical computing; it represents a quantum leap in computational power. Unlike classical computers, which process data as binary bits (0s and 1s), quantum computers leverage quantum bits or qubits. These qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, owing to the phenomena of superposition and entanglement. This unique capability empowers quantum computers to solve complex problems at a speed that is inconceivable for classical counterparts. You can find an even deeper dive into the quantum realm here.

The different approaches of quantum computing

Quantum computing is a realm of diverse methodologies, each with its own approach to harnessing the power of quantum mechanics, here is a sample of these different approaches:

  • Gate-based quantum computing: This approach employs qubits as the fundamental unit of computation, manipulated through quantum gates to perform operations. Examples include superconducting qubits and trapped ion qubits.
  • Quantum annealing: Quantum annealers are designed to find the lowest energy state of a given problem, making them well-suited for optimisation tasks.
  • Topological quantum computing: This unconventional approach relies on exotic states of matter called topological qubits, which are robust against decoherence, a significant challenge in quantum systems.
  • Superconducting qubits: In this approach, superconducting circuits are used to create qubits. These circuits are typically made from superconducting materials that exhibit zero electrical resistance at extremely low temperatures. Qubits are encoded in the energy levels of these circuits, and microwave pulses are used to manipulate their states. IBM’s Quantum Experience and Google’s Quantum AI lab are notable platforms pursuing superconducting qubit-based quantum computers.
  • Trapped ion approach: This approach involves using ions, typically individual atoms, as qubits. These ions are trapped using electromagnetic fields and manipulated using laser pulses. The qubits are encoded in the internal energy levels of the ions, and their interaction through electromagnetic fields allows for quantum operations. Companies like IonQ and academic institutions are actively researching and developing trapped ion quantum computers.

These are just a handful of the many approaches to quantum computing with new research constantly pioneering new advancements.

Quantum applications and careers

Quantum computing’s potential has not escaped the notice of academia, industry, and governments. We are witnessing quantum advancements in various areas:

  • Cryptography and security: Quantum computers have the potential to break current encryption methods, spurring research into quantum-resistant cryptography.
  • Scientific simulation: Quantum computers offer the capability to simulate quantum systems accurately, which is invaluable in understanding molecular interactions and material properties.
  • Machine learning: Quantum algorithms could revolutionise machine learning tasks by processing complex data patterns more efficiently.
  • Finance: Quantum computing’s optimisation capabilities are being explored for portfolio management and risk assessment.
  • Healthcare and pharmaceuticals: Quantum computing could expedite drug discovery by simulating molecular interactions with unprecedented accuracy.

The careers that might stem from quantum computing are as diverse as the technology itself:

  • Quantum hardware engineer: Specialises in designing and building the physical components of quantum computers.
  • Quantum algorithm developer: Crafts algorithms that leverage quantum properties for specific problem-solving tasks.
  • Quantum theorist: Focuses on advancing the theoretical understanding of quantum mechanics and its applications.
  • Quantum software developer: Develops software to simulate and execute quantum algorithms on quantum hardware.