
Tips from a CEO to kickstart 2023 for success

January can hit us with mixed emotions. In the lead-up to Christmas, businesses are often trying to close deals, push Christmas offers and prep new budgets and campaigns for the new year.

Caspar Rose, CEO, Fresh Fitness Food shares his words of wisdom.

This, combined with a huge increase in social events, creates a crescendo at NYE that quickly drops when we wake up hungover on the 1st.

With a pocket full of ambitious resolutions and the realisation that it’s back to work after we have spent all our money on gifts in December is where we meet the January Blues. That mix of anxiety, slight depression and lack of motivation to actually do all the things we know we should.

Here’s how you kick the January Blues: you create a winning formula for yourself. Something that sets you up for success. There is no pill, instant trick or flippant piece of wisdom that changes our mindset into unyielding motivation. We need structure.

Discipline kicks inspiration and motivation’s butt every time. Set up these small, cheap and ready-to-start-tomorrow routines, that will ultimately make your mindset a positive one.

Move your body

Programme short, enjoyable workouts into your week. Do not red line every workout in week 1 and then quit. Workout 4-5 times a week, including things like a long walk, weight training or swims. Consistently moving and consistently feeling like you have ticked a workout off, is the secret to a winning January fitness goal.

Get a Lumie lamp

SAD is a real thing in January when the days are shorter. Waking up to a day light lamp not only makes it easy to move around first thing in the morning, it helps reduce the effects of SAD.

Cold showers

You may have seen this all over social media. I started this last year, and it was the single best return on investment of my time and resources in 2022. Start by having your usual morning shower, then flicking it to cold and take 10 controlled breaths under the water. Then later build up to half your shower being cold and so on.

Limit social media

We all know comparison is the thief of joy. There is nothing worse than getting on Instagram in early January when people are constantly posting about Australia or Barbados. Just delete the app or pause your account, you won’t miss it.

Time block your week

Your motivation will drop the further you get into January. Start the month off by setting recurring events in your calendar for the whole month. Time block your workouts, your work and other things you want to prioritise, like reading or a hobby.

Eat well

This may be the hardest part. We all know how much good nutrition can impact your mindset and how often it gets pushed to the side when all we want is comfort food. Order Fresh Fitness Food for the month ahead, you’ll get regular deliveries to your door, setting you up for success.
