
The current electrical engineering job outlook

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts a 2% growth in electrical engineering jobs from 2021 to 2031, slightly below the average profession growth of 5%. However, other employment trends paint a more optimistic picture, indicating a strong future demand for electrical engineers across various industries.

The field of electronics engineering is expected to see a 6% growth during the same period, driven by increasing demand for products ranging from smartphones to autonomous vehicles. The BLS also predicts significant retirement among older workers, leading to an average of 20,100 annual job openings for electrical and electronics engineers.

A 2022 survey by Electronic Design revealed that 76% of employers struggled to find suitable candidates for engineering roles, attributed to the decreasing number of electrical engineering students. Additionally, emerging markets are likely to further enhance the demand for electrical engineers in the next decade. Significant infrastructure investments in regions like Europe and the Americas are expected to create job opportunities in electric generation and transmission, transportation, and internet infrastructure. The expanding superconductor market is also set to create numerous global job opportunities in manufacturing and procurement of these technologies.

Top industries for electrical engineering jobs

In 2021, the BLS identified a diverse range of industries employing the highest percentages of electrical engineers:

  • Engineering services (designers, contractors, consultants): 21%
  • Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution: 9%
  • Medical, navigational, measurement, and control devices: 7%
  • Scientific research and development: 5%
  • Semiconductor manufacturing: 4%

Top employment sectors for electronics engineering jobs

The leading employers of electronics engineers in 2021, according to the BLS, were equally varied:

  • Telecommunications: 18%
  • Federal government: 15%
  • Semiconductor manufacturing: 10%
  • Engineering services (designers, contractors, consultants): 8%
  • Medical, navigational, measurement, and control devices: 6%

What this means for you as an electrical engineering student

As an electrical engineering student, these statistics and projections offer a valuable perspective on your future career landscape. The expected growth in various sectors indicates a diverse array of job opportunities post-graduation. The demand in telecommunications, federal government, medical devices, and semiconductor manufacturing highlights the broad scope of industries where your skills will be valuable.

The data also underscores the importance of staying updated with emerging technologies like superconductors and infrastructure development. Specializing in these growing fields can give you a competitive edge in the job market. Moreover, the anticipated retirements of current professionals suggest a need for a new generation of electrical engineers, presenting opportunities for leadership and innovation in the field.

Staying informed about these trends can help you make strategic decisions about your electrical engineering education and career path, ensuring that you are well-prepared to meet the demands of the future job market in electrical and electronics engineering.
