
New year, new goals: top resolution ideas for engineering students

The start of a new year is a perfect time for engineering students to set fresh goals and aspirations. As future innovators and problem-solvers, engineering students can leverage this time to enhance both their academic and personal growth.

Here are some of Student Circuit’s valuable New Year’s resolution ideas to help engineering students make the most of the upcoming year.

  1. Master a new programming language or technology

Resolution: Learn a new programming language or explore a new technology.

Benefits: Keeping up with evolving technologies and programming languages is crucial in the ever-changing field of engineering. This can expand your skill set and open up new opportunities.

  1. Work on a personal engineering project

Resolution: Dedicate time to a personal project, whether it’s building a robot, developing an app, or working on a renewable energy project.

Benefits: Personal projects can ignite passion, provide practical experience, and potentially lead to innovations or entrepreneurial opportunities.

  1. Improve soft skills

Resolution: Focus on developing soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and time management.

Benefits: Soft skills are essential for successful collaborations and leadership roles in engineering careers.

  1. Attend workshops and seminars

Resolution: Actively participate in workshops, webinars, and seminars related to your field of study.

Benefits: These events are not only great learning opportunities but also a way to network with professionals and peers.

  1. Prioritise health and wellbeing

Resolution: Balance academic commitments with physical health and mental wellbeing.

Benefits: A healthy lifestyle can enhance focus and productivity, crucial for the demanding nature of engineering studies.

  1. Read more industry-related literature

Resolution: Regularly read books, journals, and articles related to your engineering discipline.

Benefits: Staying informed about industry trends, breakthroughs, and best practices can provide a deeper understanding of your field.

  1. Seek internships or research opportunities

Resolution: Gain practical experience through internships, co-op programmes, or participating in research projects.

Benefits: This experience is invaluable for applying theoretical knowledge to real-world problems and enhancing your resume.

  1. Improve academic performance

Resolution: Aim to improve grades or understanding in subjects that are challenging.

Benefits: Overcoming academic hurdles can boost confidence and provide a solid foundation for advanced studies or specialisations.

  1. Participate in competitions or hackathons

Resolution: Engage in engineering competitions or hackathons.

Benefits: These events stimulate creativity, encourage learning under pressure, and can be a fun way to apply your skills.

  1. Network with industry professionals

Resolution: Build a professional network by connecting with industry experts, alumni, and professors.

Benefits: Networking can provide mentorship opportunities, career advice, and potential job leads.
