
World Wellbeing Week 2023: 5 ways to ensure wellbeing at university

This week (26th June – 30th June) is World Wellbeing Week 2023, to highlight the importance of the topic Student Circuit looks at five ways you can ensure your own wellbeing at university.

Ensuring wellbeing is crucial for all university students given the important undertaking they are going through. Getting on top of your wellbeing, and most important being aware of it, is integral to maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle which gets the most out of your studies as well as university life. Here are just five ways a university student can take better care of their wellbeing.

Prioritise self-care

University life can be demanding a lot of the time, especially when exam season hits or deadlines encroach. Therefore, it is essential to prioritise self-care, even if this is covering the very basics. This includes getting enough sleep, ensuring a nutritious diet (not just instant ramen), and engaging in activities for both the mind and body. Setting aside some time for relaxation, hobbies, and activities that you enjoy can go a long way in reducing stress and improve overall wellbeing.

Maintain a support network

Building and maintaining a support network can be key for university wellbeing, avoiding the feeling of isolation and dread that can build up when you’re away from home or constantly busy. Students should make sure they connect with family, friends, classmates, or even mentors who can provide emotional support and understand what they may be going through. Joining clubs, organisations, or support groups specifically can help foster a sense of community and belonging which can go a long way in maintaining wellbeing at university.

Seek help when needed

It is important for students to recognise when they may need help and seek assistance, remember you aren’t alone! Universities typically offer counselling services for their students as well as mental health resources and academic support. Whether it’s dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or academic challenges, reaching out to professionals can make a significant difference in managing wellbeing.

Practice time management

Effective time management can go a long way in alleviating stress and enhancing overall wellbeing. Giving yourself enough time to complete tasks and reach deadlines is an integral part of university and can improve both the academic and wellbeing side of university. Students can approach this by creating a schedule or utilising planners/planner apps which promote realistic goals, and effectively allocate time for everything from studying to socialising to a bit of you-time. This can aid in avoiding those feelings of being overwhelmed and promote an overall better work-life balance.

Try mindfulness and meditative techniques

Incorporating mindfulness and stress reduction techniques into your daily routines can have a positive boost to wellbeing. This could be meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga, for example. Taking breaks throughout the day to engage in relaxation techniques like these can reduce stress and simultaneously enhance focus.

Remember, each individual has unique needs, so it’s important for students to explore various strategies and discover what works best for them. Additionally, universities often have additional resources and support services available, so students should reach out to their respective institutions to learn about specific programmes and initiatives aimed at promoting student wellbeing.
