
How maths helps low-achieving pupils

How maths helps low-achieving pupils

Low-achieving pupils benefit more in mathematics lessons from learning materials on tablet PCs than high-achieving children. They are obviously helped by individualized learning paths, immediate feedback and the hands-on processing of interactive content. This conclusion was reached in a study conducted by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) with sixth-grade students. The team of researchers has developed an eBook for learning fractions, which is available free of charge in English, Spanish and German.

Fractions are considered one of the most challenging topics in mathematics classes for younger children. Many pupils have difficulty gaining a clear grasp of fractions, which are less accessible in many ways than natural numbers. For example, they have trouble seeing that eight ninths is less than seven sixths or understanding that, with multiplication, the result is not always greater than the initial number.

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Source: “Digital school books help low-achieving pupils”, TUM News
