Mr Chang Wang from the Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark has been awarded the EPCIA Student Award at PCNS Conference on 12th September 2023 in Sønderborg, Denmark, for his outstanding post-doctoral work.
The EPCIA Student Award Committee assessed the interesting publication of Mr Wang as an outstanding academic work in the area of electronic passive components. The award is granted with €5,000.
The EPCIA award was granted to Mr Wang for a new improved planar matrix transformer that is used in data centre voltage regulation module (VRM) application. The new structure can be used for 4-phases LLC resonant converter handling up to 160 A output current with 5 V output voltage. The innovation of the improved planar matrix magnetic core corresponds to EPCIA expectations for passive component and is of great commercial use due to the rapid growing data centre industry.
“There is a great importance of such R&D projects for the passive components industry”, according to Ralph Bronold, President of EPCIA.
He encourages students across all European universities who work in this area to apply for the EPCIA students award in 2024.
For all future applicants: EPCIA is granting the Student Award annually and is looking forward to receiving more theses or papers related to passive components.