Brand AmbassadorsGopika Yedlapalli - Brunel University

Quantum computing: an introduction to the future of computing

Quantum computing provides a new way of tackling problems and has the capacity to revolutionise our world.

Instead of using traditional bits that can only contain two values, quantum computers utilise qubits which can be in multiple states simultaneously through superposition. This capability enables these machines to conduct numerous functions in parallel, potentially making them far quicker than typical computers. Recent developments in quantum computing have aroused curiosity due to its potential to deal with complex challenges that regular computers cannot. As data continues to rise at an impressive rate, there’s a greater urgency than ever for more powerful machines. Quantum computing could be the answer to this requirement, although it is still in its infancy and faces challenges like the implementation of effective error-correction algorithms and reliable qubits. Nonetheless, progress in this field suggests that these difficulties might be resolved soon.

The qubit is the fundamental unit of quantum computing. Unlike traditional computers, it can exist in numerous states at the same time, a phenomenon known as superposition. A single qubit, for example, can be in a 0-1 state at the same time, allowing quantum computers to conduct many operations at the same time. This gives them a big advantage over traditional computers, which can only do one thing at a time. Entanglement is another important aspect of quantum computing. It is about two qubits that reach superposition and become connected despite their great distance. When one qubit is measured, it has an effect on the other! All of these characteristics enable quantum computing and allow it to perform calculations that regular machines cannot. Quantum computing has many potential uses, including cryptography. This could prove to be immensely significant for the security of data like financial records, military communications, and personal information, as quantum computers can decipher even the most sophisticated encryption that regular computers are unable to crack.

With applications in modelling complex financial systems, quantum computing has the potential to alter the financial sector. This could result in a greater accuracy of predictions of stock prices, interest rates and other important global economic data. Also, it potentially could bring about more efficient financial markets and a diminution of risk. Quantum computing has the capacity to revolutionise the medical sector. By reproducing molecular behaviour, it is possible to reduce the time and money that are typically spent on drug development, thus making therapies for different ailments more effective. While quantum computing holds vast potential, a series of obstacles must be overcome before it can become a reality. One of these impediments is noise, which has the potential to produce erroneous results because to its sensitivity to external effects such as electromagnetic radiation and temperature fluctuations. As a result, error-correction codes are required by scientists for precision in their calculations. Another issue that researchers must consider is scalability. Because of their restricted number of qubits, quantum computers can now only do a limited number of calculations. As more qubits are added to quantum computers, maintaining their accuracy and coherence becomes challenging. To enable larger machines to remain dependable, novel strategies must be explored.

To summarise, quantum computing is an enthralling area of study that holds the promise of revolutionising how problems are tackled. Its capacity to manage numerous computations simultaneously increases its relevance in solving problems too hard for standard machines. However, challenges still need to be overcome before utilising it properly. Despite this, noteworthy progress has been made with expectations of major advances in the foreseeable future. quantum computing offers exciting possibilities, particularly in terms of processing and manipulating data in a way that traditional computers are not capable of. Major investors from both the industrial and academic sectors have been pouring substantial amounts of money into this area of research, and encouraging progress has been made in areas such as qubit technology, error correction, and algorithm design.

Hi! I’m Gopika Yedlapalli, an international student from India. I’m a 2nd year Computer Science student at Brunel University. I have always been curious to learn about new science and technology which has helped me in pursuing a career in computer science. In addition to my studies, I love participating in different extra-curricular activities and enjoy exploring new places. I also like meeting new people.
