
Student Circuit freshers fair first round complete

The first round of the Student Circuit freshers fair tour is now complete, visiting the universities of Manchester, Sheffield, and Liverpool.

It was great to meet all the forward-thinking young engineers looking to advance their learning and understanding and pioneer the next generation of engineers in the UK! At the venues, we met students from all walks of engineering fields, from EEE and mechanical, to computer science and AI studies.

But we aren’t stopping there, in the second half of the freshers fair tour, Student Circuit will visit the University of Southampton, Imperial College London, and the University of Warwick. The dates are as follows:

  • University of Southampton – 29th September
  • Imperial College London – 3rd October
  • University of Warwick – 19th October

We’re looking forward to meeting more of our existing followers as well as welcoming new faces to the community! Don’t be shy and come say hello!

For those we met during the first half, remember the Student Circuit Brand Ambassador opportunity is always looking for more engineers to take on board. It is a great way to enhance your CV, get your name into the industry, and hone your studies – all whilst being a part of a growing community!
