
Career platform launched to find qualified specialists

The demand for qualified specialists is higher than ever. As a result, companies are proactively trying to recruit suitable employees, because the traditional approach using job advertisements stopped being an effective way of attracting applicants a long time ago. This is why Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente launched its new career platform.

“Applicants’ expectations have changed. And we are responding to this with our new platform www.rutronikcareers.com. We want to enhance Rutronik’s profile as an attractive employer and at the same time not only provide information, but also give visitors to the platform an authentic impression of our work,” said Dominik Schmidt, Head of HR Development and Recruiting at Rutronik. “This also means communicating in a different, more modern way.”

In cooperation with an external agency, the company has now analysed its current communication policies and identified ways of focusing even more clearly on Rutronik’s strengths and benefits.

“Last year, Focus Money recognised us as a top employer in three categories,” said Schmidt. At the same time, the Focus Money studies have shown that in addition to above-average pay, soft factors such as training opportunities, work-life balance, and authenticity also play an important role during the selection of a potential employer.

The new career platform at www.rutronik-careers.com takes this into account with four categories showing the many different aspects of working at Rutronik. In the ‘World’ section, applicants will find quick facts about the company, its product portfolio, and target markets. As well as a quick overview of the various career paths for trainees, college and university students, graduates, and professionals, the ‘Heartbeat’ section also offers information on additional services such as health care, advanced training, and more. In the ‘Stories’ section, Rutronik employees from various departments offer glimpses into their work at Rutronik, in the form of both interviews and videos.

In the fourth and final ‘Jobs’ section, anyone interested in working for Rutronik can view all of the company’s job offers at a glance, filter the list based on their preferences, or even submit an unsolicited application.