From new methods for examining individual cells, physical basics of the reactions of vascular systems and the development of better prognostic methods for osteoporosis to intelligent tools for urban planning and the investigation of the nature of dark matter: the European Research Council (ERC) will fund seven future-oriented projects from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), five starting grants and two proof-of-concept grants.
Starting grants aim to facilitate the implementation of new research approaches by excellent young scientists. They are endowed with up to two million euros.
Proof-of-concept grants are awarded to scientists who want to assess whether their ERC research projects might lead to marketable innovations. As an entrepreneurial university, TUM values this aspect of research and specifically promotes start-ups by researchers and students.
Prof. Dr. Karen Alim (Physics; Starting Grant)
Fluid flows through tubular networks like our bloodstream are vital building blocks of life – from simple slime molds to mammals including humans. They not only transport substances and signals but can also dynamically adapt their network architecture to new requirements. These kinds of changes are often memorized in the network for over long periods of time.
Source: “ERC supports pioneering research projects at TUM”, Technical University of Munich