Fifth IEEE Annual International Smart Cities will open n Casablanca, Morocco on October 14-17 2019. This event will bring together researchers, engineers, scholars, infrastructure operators, industry representatives, economists, sociologists and other participants into smart cities discussion, sponsored by IEEE Smart Cities Technical Community.
Conference topic is frugality and inclusion paving the way towards future smart sustainable cities & communities. This is a new concept, that was proposed by Casablanca, based on global bottom-up multidisciplinary approach that relies on informational and functional cost-effective integration of various urban complex systems, where citizens are the centre of transformation process.
Call for papers is extended to July 10 2019, following with acceptance notice on July 31 2019, and camera ready version on 31 August 2019.
Papers include following topics:
- AI, IoT, Blockchain and AR;
- Bio, food, agriculture in future smart sustainable cities
- Cloud, open data, privacy and security
- Education, health and safety
- Energy, water and waste
- Government and civic engagement
- Platforms for smart cities
- Sustainable resilient buildings, infrastructure, environment
And other topics. Read the details here.