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PhD Studentship: Responsible and Trustworthy AI

The University of Southampton is offering PhD studentship (UK nationals only) in the broader area of responsible and trustworthy AI starting in the academic year 2023/2024.

Modern AI technologies have great potential to advance our society but with that power comes great responsibility to use that power for good and in an equitable, transparent manner. AI has a significant impact, and ensuring that AI is designed, deployed, and used responsibly is critical to ensuring this impact is positive.

As of 2022, the global AI market is valued at over $387.4 billion and is projected to more than triple by 2029. For the world to realise the benefits brought by AI, it is important to ensure AI systems are responsibly developed, used throughout their entire life cycle, and trusted by the humans expected to rely on them.

The University of Southampton PhD studentship is related to its £31m Responsible AI UK programme (RAI UK), which is a national centre based at the University of Southampton, for creating an international ecosystem for responsible AI research and innovation.

Potential research topics for this PhD studentship include multi-robot systems and autonomous systems, multi-agent systems, goal-driven systems, recognition, human-computer interaction etc. You may be supervised by Professor Gopal Ramchurn (Director, UKRI Trustworthy and Autonomous Systems Hub; CEO, RAI UK), Dr Shoaib Ehsan (Co-lead Skills Programme, RAI UK), and any other academic from ECS.

If you are creative, innovative, with good attention to detail, able to work with diverse people and communities to understand their particular needs and are enthusiastic about working in the broader area of responsible and trustworthy AI to develop systems with beneficial human impact, then this is for you!

The University is keen to know what topic you’d like to focus your research on. So, as part of your application, you will need to write a 2-page research outline telling them (i) what you’re interested in; (ii) why it is exciting for you; and (iii) what you have already read about it. Your research idea could focus on the topics mentioned above in the broader area of responsible and trustworthy AI. In your 2-page research outline, the University will be looking for your excitement for your chosen topic, your enthusiasm for the opportunity to do research aligned with the RAI UK programme and the UKRI TAS hub, and your ability to communicate your ideas clearly.

Entry requirements

An excellent undergraduate degree (a UK First Class degree, or its international equivalent) in computer science, electronics, or other closely related subject such as mathematics.

Closing date: 30 September 2023

How to apply

Apply online: Search for a Postgraduate Programme of Study ( Select programme type (Research), 2023/24, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, next page select “PhD Computer Science (Full time)”. In Section 2 of the application form you should insert the name of the supervisor Gopal Ramchurn

Applications should include:

  • 2-page research outline (in the broader area of responsible and trustworthy AI)
  • CV
  • Two reference letters
  • Degree Transcripts/Certificates to date

For further information please contact: or visit
