
The average salary for engineering in 2024

engineering salary

The engineering profession, diverse in its nature, spans a range of disciplines from the traditional to the cutting-edge. In 2024, each of these disciplines offers distinct career opportunities and remunerations. This article provides an overview of the average salary for engineering across different fields including electrical, chemical, biomedical, mechanical, and software engineering, across the UK, Europe, and the US.

UK engineering salaries

In the UK, the average salary for engineering varies based on specialisation, experience level, and region:

  • Electrical engineers: With their role in power generation and electronics, they earn between £40,000 and £70,000 annually.
  • Chemical engineers: Involved in processes like manufacturing and pharmaceuticals, their salaries range from £45,000 to £75,000 per year.
  • Biomedical engineers: At the intersection of healthcare and technology, they typically receive £35,000 to £65,000 annually.
  • Civil and mechanical engineers: These traditional roles continue to offer competitive salaries, especially for experienced professionals, often exceeding £60,000 per year​​.

European engineer salaries

The average salary for engineering across Europe reflect a similar diversity:

  • Germany: A hub for automotive and mechanical engineering, offers €45,000 to €80,000 annually.
  • France, Spain, and the Netherlands: With strong chemical and biomedical sectors, engineers can expect €35,000 to over €75,000, depending on their experience and specialisation​​.

US engineering salaries

The US market, known for its high remuneration, offers the following average salary for engineering:

  • Electrical engineers: Due to their demand in various industries, they earn between $70,000 and $120,000 per year.
  • Chemical engineers: With a vital role in industries like oil and gas, they typically earn $80,000 to $130,000 annually.
  • Biomedical engineers: A rapidly growing field due to advancements in medical technology, offering $65,000 to $110,000 per year.
  • Software developers: A highly sought-after specialisation, with earnings ranging from $87,000 to $119,500 annually​​.

Popular engineering niches

Each engineering discipline has its unique market value:

  • Software engineering: Continues to be a high-paying field, especially in areas like AI, machine learning, and cloud computing.
  • Electrical engineering: Involves work in sectors such as renewable energy, smart grid technologies, and consumer electronics.
  • Chemical engineering: Plays a crucial role in sustainable energy, biotechnology, and materials science.
  • Biomedical engineering: Combines principles of engineering with biological sciences to advance healthcare technology.
  • Civil and mechanical engineering: These fields cover a broad spectrum from infrastructure development to automotive design.


So there we have it, the average salary for engineering in 2024. The engineering sector of today presents a diverse array of financially rewarding opportunities. Salary scales reflect the increasing complexity and integration of technology in various engineering fields. Aspiring engineers should consider their interests, the evolving market needs, and the potential for innovation and growth in their chosen field.
