
Building a career in engineering for the long-term

career building

Engineering and technology sectors are renowned for their rapid advancements and growth. However, the challenge for professionals is to navigate these fast-paced changes while ensuring a fulfilling and sustainable career. Kelsey Hightower, who recently retired from Google at age 42, shared insights at Civo Navigate in London on making a career journey enjoyable and enriching.

Hightower observed that many young professionals are overly focused on fast-tracking their careers, likening their approach to rushing through a video game without savouring the experience. He emphasised the importance of immersing oneself in a specific technology or language to truly understand its intricacies and its role in the broader tech landscape.

The uniqueness of each developer’s career path is a key aspect of this field. Hightower, after 25 years in tech, is now adopting a more philosophical approach, focusing on understanding the deeper reasons behind his work rather than just the technicalities.

For aspiring engineers, the question arises: how can one build a long-lasting career without burnout, especially in challenging times? The answer lies in smart work, continuous curiosity, and learning from diverse sources. But what about the practicalities of starting a career in tech, especially in a fluctuating job market?

Timothy James, a computer science instructor at the University of Pittsburgh, noted that recent graduates face challenges in securing jobs, with hiring freezes and selective recruitment processes becoming more common. He advises graduates to be both strategic and persistent in their job hunt, comparing it to a survival strategy in the wild. James also cautions against relying solely on open source contributions, recommending internships or nonprofit work to gain valuable, practical experience.

When considering job transitions, Hightower advises evaluating the learning potential in current roles and making moves that contribute to a well-rounded skillset. He emphasises the importance of solving real problems and the ability to adapt to various technologies, rather than being confined to one language or framework.

In the context of the evolving role of developers with the advent of AI, Hightower suggests focusing on creative problem-solving and maintaining an agile mindset. Being inquisitive about new technologies and their underlying principles is crucial for understanding their true value and potential impact.

In summary, for those embarking on or advancing in an engineering career in 2024, it’s essential to remain adaptable, curious, and critical, especially in the face of emerging technologies like AI. Balancing technical skills with a deeper understanding of the ‘why’ behind technology choices can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable career in engineering.
