Power Electronics

Power MOSFET switching characteristics

switching power mosfet

It is very important to understand switching characteristics of power MOSFET. To understand the turn-on and turn–off process in power MOSFETs, we have to consider the simplified equivalent circuits of the power MOSFET in turn-on and turn-off states. When the power MOSFET is off, Vsource=0, VDS=VDD and ID=IG. Let’s first consider turn-on processes among power MOSFET switching characteristics. 

  1. t=t0, when the voltage VGG is applied, the gate source voltage starts to control the drain-source current, and the capacitor CGS charges through the resistor R.
  2. t0<t<t1, when the VGS<VTh, the transistor  is in the cut-off mode and iD=0. This time t=t1t0 is needed to charge capacitor CGS, and this means delay in time before transistor will turn on. Capacitor CGS charges to the voltage level  VTh. The gate currentiG(t)=VsourceVGSR=iGS+iGD=CGSdiGSdtCGDd(vGvD)dt, here vG is gate-to-ground voltage,  and vD is a drain-to-ground voltage. And gate current  iG(t)=(CGS+CGD)dvGSdt.Resolving these exponential equations we can show that vGS(t)=Vsource(1ett0τ), where τ=R(CGS+CGD), and gate current iG(t)=vsource Rett0τ, iD=0. Resistance rds is characterising conducting state of power MOSFET.
  3. t=t1, then VGS(t1)=VTh MOSFET start to conduct current. Delay time t10=t1t0=τln(1vThvGG).
  4. t>t1, and VGS>VTh, so the iD becomes a function of vGS and VTh.
  5. t<t2, and VGS>VTh, iD raises exponentially  and is characterised by function iD(t)=k(vGSvTh), here is a coefficient, and iD<Io, vDS=VDD.
  6.  t=t2, iD(t2)=Imaxthe drain turns off.  Resolving exponential equation we can obtain t21=τln(kVsourcek(VsourceVTh)Imax), vGS(t2)=Vsource, iG(t2)=0.
  7. t>t2, the drain is closed, iD(t)=Imax, vGS(t)=const.  From the equations above vGS=Imaxk+VTh.
  8. t2<t<t3, MOSFET turns off ,iD=Imax, capacitance CDS is discharging, vG=const, current flows through CGD.
  9. t>t3, iG  flows through capacitance CGD, vGS(t)=Vsource(1ett2τ), gate voltage raises until moment of time t=t3, when gate current iG=0 and MOSFET is completely turned off. Time interval t32=RCGDVDDIDrDSvsourceVTh.
  10. Total delay when power MOSFET is on-state is ton=t32+t21+t10, there is a high current and voltage goes through the device during periods of time t21 and t32, that provokes high power losses in MOSFET. Smaller resistance R will decrease power losses.
Figure 1. The equivalent circuit of turn-on process for a power MOSFET
Figure 1. The equivalent circuit of turn-on process for a power MOSFET
Figure 2. Time dependences of currents and voltages for turn-on process of power MOSFETs.
Figure 2. Time dependences of currents and voltages for turn-on process of power MOSFETs.

Now we know turn-on part of power MOSFET switching characteristics, so we can consider the turn-off part in the power MOSFET as well. We can assume that the device is on for t>t0.

  1. When t=t0, vDS(t0)=IDrDS,vGS(t0)=Vsource, iDS(t0)=Imax, iG(t0)=0. The equivalent circuit is depicted on figures 2-4. When vDS=constCGS and CGD are discharging, gate-to-source voltage is vGS(t)=vGS(t0)ett0τ. Current through the capacitor CGD reaches the constant value iDS(t0)=Imax. So vGS(t0)=Imaxk+VTh.
  2. When t1<t<t2, iG(t)=VsourceRett0τ, vGS=const, so the current goes through the CGDiG(t)=1R(Imaxk+VTh)ett2τ, vGS(t)=(Imaxk+VTh)ett2τ, iDS(t)=kVTh(ett2τ1)+Imaxtt2τ.
  3. When t2<t<t3, the drain current iD(t) becomes 0, and the service is turned off, vGS(t3)=VTh.
  4. When t<t3, the gate voltage continues to fall to 0, and the voltage function is exponential. The gate-to-drain capacitance CGD charges to the VDD value.
  5. When t3<t<t4 drain current ID decreases to 0.
Figure 3. Equivalent scheme for turn–off MOSFET process.
Figure 3. Equivalent scheme for turn–off MOSFET process.

Figure 4. Time variations for currents and voltages for the turn-off process of power MOSFETs
Figure 4. Time variations for currents and voltages for the turn-off process of power MOSFETs

The extreme modess of power MOSFETs were explained above. As you can see it is very important to understand every switching characteristics of power MOSFET as MOSFETs are used a lot like switch devices. Let’s briefly consider the Safe Operating Area (SOA). The SOA provides the limits of the power MOSFET to work. Figure 3 depicts the SOA for one of the power MOSFETs from the Infineon product line.

Maximum current is determined by the maximum power dissipation of the MOSFET and follows the formula Pdissipation=IDSR, IDS and corresponds to the on-state of the power MOSFET. The drain-to-source voltage is growing. The MOSFET starts to work in the saturation mode. Here the device experiences big values of current and voltage. When the drain-to-source voltage grows further the device experiences the avalanche breakdown (it is indicated as the second breakdown limit). Digi-Key Electronics has a great selection power MOSFETs.

Figure 5. Safety Operating Area (SOA) of the Infineon OptiMOS power MOSFET series.
Figure 5. Safety Operating Area (SOA) of the Infineon OptiMOS power MOSFET series.

(«Power Electronics Handbook», 3rd edition, M.H. Rashid.; «Infineon OptiMOS Power MOSFET datasheet explanation», Infineon Technology AG.)


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