1. What types of electric current conductors exist?
  2. What is the physical meaning of Fermi level?
  3. What is the temperature resistance coefficient?
  4. What are the conditions when thermo-EMF occurs in an electric circuit? Name the mechanisms when thermo-EMF appear in an electric circuit.
  5. What is the classification of electric current conductors.
  6. What feature of copper makes it the most popular conductor for an electric circuit?
  7. What is the disadvantage of aluminium when compared to copper?
  8. Name the metals that can shift to the supercondivity state.
  9. What is an intrinsic semiconductor?
  10. Can an impure semiconductor perform intrinsic conductivity?
  11. What are the attributes of donors and aceptors in a semionductor?
  12. Specify the ratio between holes and electrons in semiconductors in the equilibrium state.
  13. What are the mechanisms limiting charge carrier dissipation in the covalent semiconductors?
  14. What is the photoresistive effect?
  15. Name the types of electroluminescence in a semiconductor.
  16. Name the most frequently used elements with semiconductor featurues.
  17. How does forbidden bandwidth change for Si and Ge with temperature?
  18. What impurity elements can create donor and aceptor levels in Si and Ge?
  19. What chemical bond characterises semiconductors ?
  20. What is dielecric polarisation? Name types of polarisations in dielectrics.
  21. What are linear and non-linear dielectrics?
  22. What are polar and non-polar dielectrics?
  23. What are dielectric losses? Name the reasons of dielectric losses.
  24. What is the difference for a breakdown in homogenous and non-homogenous electric field?

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